10 Easy Ways To Feel Sexier Than Ever
Unlocking Your Inner Confidence: Simple Strategies for Feeling Your Best

Who doesn’t want to feel sexy? I’m talking how to feel sexier all the time. There’s no rule on where and when you can feel sexy, and that’s the best part, some of the most attractive people out there aren’t the ones who look like Victoria’s Secret models (Although we all wish we could look like them from time to time.)
It’s not just about attracting someone real sexiness is the total confidence that can make you feel smarter, funnier and better in every area of your life. Here’s how to be a bit more like that every day.
Some of the most attractive people that you’ll ever come across aren’t appealing because they are particularly good looking. They are attractive because they are the rare few who seem to naturally ooze out sexiness and sexy appeal effortlessly.
In this article
- Embrace Who You Are
- Challenge Yourself And Get Out Of The Comfort Zone
- Take Better Care of Yourself
- Wear A Sexy Outfit
- Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
- Be A Little Flirty
- Maintain Good Personal Hygiene
- Pamper Yourself
- Go After Your Dreams and Passions
- Accentuate Your Positives & Dress Properly
- Key Takeaways
Embrace Who You Are

Grab onto whatever bits you tend to consider your “problem” and tell that flesh, out loud, that you love, cherish, respect and honor it, and let it know that it’s absolutely perfect just the way it is. The more you say it, the more you’ll believe it. Most women have a tendency to use negative language about their bodies. Simply changing the way you think and talk about your body can have a powerful impact on all aspects of your life.
The best way to accept yourself is to focus on what you love about yourself the most. Forget what you hate, ignore your body hang-ups stop worrying about the parts you wish you could change and instead focus on your best bits.
We tend to focus on the things we are unhappy with the most, and this makes us feel worse overall about ourselves and our appearance. This ultimate shatters our self-confidence and makes us forget we have anything to offer.
Instead, channel all that energy into the positive. Whether you love your eyes, or your hair or your boobs in that favorite dress – whatever it is that you think of as your best bits – flaunt those assets.
Focusing on your best bits and giving them more love and attention will make you feel overall a little bit more confident about yourself and make you feel sexy because when we are feeling great we feel more at home in our skin and this allows us to let your sexiness.
Practice makes perfect. You have to practice self-love and acceptance every day. Write a list, say mantras in the mirror, keep a journal. Whatever works best for you. Once you can accept yourself for who you are, then you can practice feeling sexy.
Challenge Yourself And Get Out Of The Comfort Zone

It’s easy to fall into routines that turn into ruts, but trying new things literally triggers a happiness response in the brain. So do something you’ve always thought looked fun but never had the nerve to try.
- That spin class you’ve been talking about trying is a great place to start. Go skydiving. Travel. Learn a new language. Get your Scuba certificate. Endorphins are a powerful thing, and you can stimulate them right now for immediate gratification and long-term gain.
- Whether you want to feel more attractive for your husband or partner, or even just for yourself, the best tip on how to feel sexy is to change it up and get out of the routine. Because as much as we hate to admit it, appearances do matter.
- Change up your wardrobe, treat yourself to something you don’t normally wear but always wanted to try. Buy some new makeup, attend a makeup class or even just visit a salon for a nice makeover.
If you feel like a new and improved version of yourself, your partner will sense it and it will make you feel sexier without even trying.
The most common way to change up your look is to change your hair. Don’t be afraid to experiment; hair will always grow back. Go for the chop and brave a short new cut or play around with colors. Anything that makes you feel a little better about yourself and gives you that extra kick of confidence will most definitely be noticed by your partner. Changing it up is the best way to feel sexier instantly.
Take Better Care of Yourself

The simple act of letting yourself relax is a tremendous first step toward total satisfaction. While it’s easier said than done in a hyper-connected world full of stress, deadlines and an inflated sense of urgency about practically everything, once you’ve mastered the art of letting go, a whole new world opens up.
We can’t feel sexy if we don’t feel at our very best. It might sound like common sense, but most women out there tend to forget to look after themselves on a day to day basis. Life is busy, especially if you have a family to look after. So to feel sexy, you need to dedicate some time and energy into taking care of yourself. All of yourself, your mind, body, and soul. Sounds easier said than done, I know.
Statistics show that low self-image and low body-esteem is one of the leading causes of depression in women. The majority of women (85%) and girls (79%) tend to opt out of important life activities and events when not feeling their best. And no one should opt out of feeling sexy and finding love just because they haven’t taken care of themselves.
Eating right and exercising is the best way to do this. Now I don’t mean go on a crazy crash diet or push yourself to exhaustion at the gym. I mean to be healthy and healthy isn’t a number on the scale. Remember feeling sexy doesn’t come from what dress size you are.
Sexiness is not a number; it’s a feeling.
Self-care is about treating yourself right. Being healthy, getting enough sleep.
Focusing your mind and energy on the positives and lowering stress. Take care of your body and mind, and you’ll be surprised how easy it will be to feel sexy.
Wear A Sexy Outfit

Another top tip on how to feel sexier comes as simple as getting dressed in the morning. Because, well, it does include how you get dressed in the morning!
Throw out those old eyesores, oversized beige underwear sets, and stock up on some sexy lace sets in a variety of colors to suit any mood and to go with any outfit.
You don’t only have to wear sexy outfit for your partner. You can wear it for yourself too. Most people feel sexy knowing they are the only ones who know what is under their clothing. Put on some lingerie you feel super sexy in before work in the morning and feel yourself feeling overall sexier throughout the day. Like your own little sexy secret that only you know about.
Be A Little Flirty

The best way to instantly feel sexy is through your words, conversation and more importantly your body language. While on a date or with your partner the easiest way to feel sexy right away is simply just by flirting.
It’s as simple as making eye contact with people as you walk down the street. Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye. Just putting out those attraction vibes will instantly increase your mojo.
Whether you’re married or single, we all want to feel desired. This type of innocent flirting is great foreplay that will instantly make you feel sexy and empowered.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Body image agonies are aggravated to a great extent by woman-on-woman competition for desirability or “Who’s the prettiest in the room?” Women will pick on the tiniest details and micro-flaws in other women because they are strongly focused on winning this competition.
Know this: most men are desirous of the major sexy points of your body. They don’t care about the small flaws.
Every person is different, and every person is unique in their own way. The minute you realize and accept this the quicker you will begin to start feeling better about yourself letting your confidence and sexiness shine through. So stop comparing your self to other people.
So you want to know how to feel sexy?
Easy, stop worrying about everyone else and their life and concentrate on you.
Be selfish, you come first.
You are unique, and your life has a different path to everyone else. No one can be you but you. So embrace yourself, and you’ll suddenly feel all the sexier for it. Even if you aren’t feeling overly confident about yourself, the best tip is to fake it till you make.
The rest will follow.
Maintain Good Personal Hygiene

This might seem like one of the most obvious tips on how to feel sexy. But you would be surprised how many women fail to keep and maintain good personal hygiene. Or feel that they have a fairly good idea of what good personal hygiene entails but aren’t quite making the cut.
Most of us hopefully have a good personal hygiene routine but it’s always fun to mix things up a little bit. There’s no reason why washing and keeping clean and tidy shouldn’t at least be a little fun and enjoyable…
…especially if sex is involved.
A nice bath, a cool shower after a long day and lathering yourself in lush smelling products can instantly boost your mood. Feeling clean can do wonderful things to your attitude about yourself.
When you feel groomed and sparkly you’ll reflect on it how you act, feel and even move. Instantly making you feel sexier to those around you.
When it comes to the intimate area, keeping good personal hygiene is crucial.
The best way to do this is simply by knowing how to look after your intimate area, what to use and more importantly what not to use. Feeling clean and fresh will boost your self-esteem and your body confidence without much effort. Plus knowing you have good personal and intimate hygiene can also make feeling sexy a more enjoyable and pleasurable experience for you and your partner.
Pamper Yourself

Treat yourself to a little dose of lavish luxury. Give yourself permission to let go of any guilt and simply indulge in something that reawakens your sensual energy. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a massage, mani/pedi, facial or a nice long bubble bath. You could go dancing or out for a nice long walk in nature. Simply allow yourself to relinquish responsibilities for an hour and reconnect with yourself.
Even if you aren’t a fan of going to the beauty salon or even of some at home pampering sessions, this will make you feel much sexier.
Or even if you don’t feel like you have enough hours in the day to keep aside some, “me time,” there’s a lot of ways you can pamper yourself without breaking the bank or taking hours to get ready each day in the bathroom.
Plus, if a little self-pampering and tender loving care can help you feel sexy, what’s the harm in making an effort? Smooth skin, feeling and smelling good will give you that little extra boost in self-esteem to helping you feel sexy.
Go After Your Dreams and Passions

Your dreams are what can get you through even the worst days. If you are struggling, your dreams are your reason to keep going. They are why you wake up in the morning and try again. They are what makes your entire life worth living.
Without our dreams, we are nothing.
There is nothing more attractive or sexy than a person who knows what they want out of life and is not afraid to go after it no matter what. Women who go after their dreams and want to pursue their passions are incredibly sexy.
This is because it shows they are mature, they know what they want in life, and they aren’t afraid of the challenges on their way to get there.
And what is sexier than that? Yeah, nothing.
Pursuing your dreams shows you are dedicated, passionate and that you are a hard worker who wants to achieve something with your life. That you have goals and aspirations and everyone knows that’s one of the sexiest things in a partner. No one wants someone who doesn’t aspire to anything.
There are plenty of steps you can take to achieve your dreams. But before you can figure out a plan on how to get there you have to first identify what it is you are passionate about and what it is you want it of life.
Once you’ve done this, the rest will follow. It’s as easy as that. Once you have your focus set on what you want in life and go after it, you’ll instantly feel a lot better and confident in yourself.
This will, in turn, make you feel sexy and even better will help you to attract a partner who is equally as sexy who also has their own dreams and passions to pursue.
Win, win.
Accentuate Your Positives & Dress Properly

If you want to know how to be more seductive, you have to learn to dress the part. Now that you have your beautiful new sexy lingerie on its time to take it up a step and dress to impress in something that makes you feel the sexiest you have ever felt. The best way to start is by finding some sexy looks that work for you. Find something that makes you feel sexy and empowered not awkward and uncomfortable.
Choose clothes, casual and Friday night outfits, that fit you and accentuate your assets. Guys, go ask women friends of your partner or those who aren’t prospective sweethearts to take you shopping and help make you over.
But what about during the colder months I hear you ask? How can you possibly look and feel sexy when its cold outside under so many layers? Believe it or not but you can look sexy in the winter time. There is no such thing as blaming the weather for your bad wardrobe choices anymore.
The transformations are really eye-opening. Seeing their approval and feeling your own improvement when you look in the mirror is what you need.
Key Takeaways
- Remember that resolve, determination, and spirit are the sexiest attributes of all
- Some tips are fast changers. However, as much as this stings to hear it, most major change doesn’t happen immediately.
- Take up an exercise plan for targeting some parts of your body you know you want changed, but along the way, be thankful for what parts are hot and be happy for your blessings and strengths. Don’t get discouraged when you don’t see results overnight.
- Its all about how you feel, confidence is key and in no time you will feel sexier than you ever have before. So what are you waiting for? Start feeling sexy right away and watch how better you feel about yourself instantly.