6 Common Skincare Rules That Are Completely False

We all admit that when it comes to skincare, there are a hell lot of misconceptions out there. These myths and misconceptions can even outnumber the available face washes in the market. Thanks to the internet and wisdom of old grandmothers and moms, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to our skincare routines. But do all of them work? Are they even factually correct? We need to make sure we don’t fall for the fallacies. The number of misbeliefs floating in the air and available for our perusal is quite alarming. Giving in to these myths might just do more harm than good to our skin.
So, we have tried to make things easy for you by weeding out the fiction from skincare routines. Here’s a list of common myths that we need to stop believing right away. Have a look!
Myth 1: Oils Used On The Face Can Clog Pores

Some of us love using oils as a makeup remover and claim that it does magic to our skin. But it’s not necessary that it has to work the same way for others too. Choosing face oils can be tricky, we need to be careful as they can actually clog our pores, but only when chosen erroneously. We need to pay heed to the comedogenic ratings while using any oil product on our skin. Besides this, oils can be found in various other products like face washes, body washes, toners, creams, and serums. Just make sure you are choosing the right products that suit your skin type. Only then we can say that it won’t clog your pores. Oh, and the best way to tell if an oil is good for your skin? Consult a dermatologist!
Myth 2: Don’t Use Sunscreen In Cloudy Weather

Heat rays, visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and any other form of solar radiation is harmful to our skin. And to protect our skin from these harsh rays, we need to develop the habit of wearing sunscreen. It will protect our skin from aging and the umpteen skin diseases. Even if the weather outside is cloudy, never skip wearing some sunscreen on your skin. This is because, despite the absence of any sunrays, a certain amount of radiation still reaches us (it can even penetrate through glass and window panes).
Additionally, always make sure to choose a sunscreen that has an SPF (skin protection factor) of minimum 30, and apply it in small amounts to your body. And if you’re an outdoor person, then reapply the sunscreen every two hours.
Myth 3: Parabens Cause Cancer

We’ve heard it too! But, it’s a false notion; products containing don’t cause any diseases. They are used as a preservative agent for most of the cosmetic products available in the market. The only extreme chance of any reaction from using such products is that they might cause irritation to your skin (but again, that’s a rarity). There is no proven research that states that parabens can help contract skin ailments. It’s a fact!
Myth 4: Oily Skin? Dry It, Don’t Moisturize

The oil secretion on our skin is a natural process, it’s beneficial to us as it protects our skin against bacteria and promotes the skin renewal cycle. We understand that your skin is considerably more oily than the normal skin type, but that doesn’t mean you should eradicate the oil from your skin completely. Learn to control the oil secretions by using mild moisturizers or creams. Don’t dry out your skin as it will only further damage your skin’s structure.
Myth 5: Face Toners Aren’t Worth The Money

Toners are meant to cleanse our skin and shrink the visible pores. You will find it in various compositions in the market. You can choose whichever suits your skin type the best. Face toners with acids help to exfoliate skin and smoothen up the skin complexion. Similarly, toners with glycerin are used best for moisturizing your skin. So, get to the three-step routine of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. It’s totally worth the bucks!
Myth 6: Always Choose All-Natural Cosmetics

Resorting to all natural and organic products seems to be the trend in the skincare world. But, we want to warn you that these “natural products” can react differently to our skin when compared to the laboratory tested products. Of course, when you advertise a product as all-natural, it’s bound to garner some attention; but, that’s the end of it. Natural products sure do work wonders on our skin, but the assurance that it will have the same effect on every skin type can’t be guaranteed (just like the non-natural cosmetic products).
When it comes to using cosmetic products on our skin, various factors need to be considered — like what skin type is ours, are we allergic to any particular chemicals or substances, etc. And always remember that a single product cannot fix issues for every skin type. It’s not one size that fits all. For certain skin types, a synthesized cosmetic product will suit better than an all-natural one.
It’s very important to follow a healthy skin care routine to keep our skin flawless. Never shy away from using products that are the inventions of modern technology and trends. Always do a patch test on your skin and see if the product suits your skin type. If it does, go ahead and buy them.
What does your skincare routine look like? Comment below!