What Your Everyday Hairstyle Says About Your Personality

Every choice that we make, from the kind of sandwich we love to eat to the preferred sitting position we choose every day, says a lot about our personality traits. Are you someone who always goes for a ponytail? Or you prefer leaving your hair au natural? Regardless of whether you love to experiment with the length and colour or you play it safe by sticking to one hairstyle, your hairstyle that you choose to sport every day says a lot about you.
Yes, indeed! You choose to style your hair in a certain way not merely because you caught a fancy for it after your favourite actor sported it in the latest film, but because it is a part of your personality. Whether you experiment with different hues and lengths for your tresses or prefer to play it safe, your hairstyle choices reveal the real you.
1. Bob Cut Gal – The Social Bee

She is someone who wears her heart on her sleeves. The bob-cut gal will see romance even in the most mundane things in life such as a buzzing street or an abandoned lane. This social bee is the blue-eyed girl in her circle of friends. She likes to spend quality time with her loved ones. Do you see yourself in her?
2. Pleated Pretty Woman – Artistic And Benevolent

Someone who carefully pleats the strands of her hair must be having an artistic side to herself! An artist, they say, is never shy of exploring his/her emotions and the same holds true for this pleated lass. She is also someone who is very good at communication.
3. Ms. Ponytail – Super Focussed On Work

Are you the Ms. Ponytail at work? Women who prefer to pull their hair back into a ponytail are extremely focussed at work. And successful at that as well! They generally pay attention to detail and are very picky about their choice of people and surroundings. Expect her to be a Ms. Perfectionist in her own right!
4. What’s In A Bun? – Persistent But Tender At Heart

When you see a woman who’s tied her hair up into a bun, do not jump to conclusions going by her tough exterior. She is very tender at heart. But at the same time, she is someone who is very hard working, especially when it comes to realising her goals in life. And she takes immense pride in this quality of hers.
Now that you have seen for yourself how your hairstyle reveals a great deal about your personality, let us take you through some awesome tricks and tips to style your ponytail.
How To Jazz Up Your Ponytail!
It’s the most favourite hairstyle for a corporate in a boardroom meeting, a juggling mom, a college-going teenager or a cute kiddo. Effortless, tidy, and smart, a ponytail makes life easy for you. But why not style up with ease!

- Attractive Hair Accessories: Bored of the same hairstyle every day? Pep up the look with some funky accessories. A fancy elastic band, clips or hairband will work the much-needed magic.
- Curly Look: You can also lend a very interesting look to your ponytail by curling up your hair at the end.
- Combining Braid And Ponytail: Braid on the sides or in the centre leading down to a pony is an interesting way of throwing in some drama to your hairdo.
- Knot It: It’s like any other pony, the only difference being you will need to cover the elastic band with a knot. Here’s how to go about it: Divide your hair into three parts. Tie up the centre part like a normal ponytail with a small elastic band. Now pull together the sections on both sides and tie up a single knot to cover the band. This hairstyle works well for straight and long hair.
- Loop Up: Instead of leaving the loose end, loop your hair with an elastic band to make a loop. Easy and comfortable, isn’t it? This hairstyle is especially apt for scorching summers.
- Hair Extensions: If the length of your hair is short but you want to give the illusion of long hair, you can do so by tying up 2 – 3 ponytails at varying lengths. Now you too have a long ponytail!
- Dishevelled Look: Too tired to make an effort or just can’t be bothered? Well, we have a ponytail for every kind of personality! Tease your tresses and tie your hair into a ponytail.

Isn’t it amazing that your hairstyle not only speaks stories about your personality but also gives a glimpse into your lifestyle? Whether you like to tease your tresses or have them tidily pulled back, it’s not a simple or involuntary action unlike it may seem. It’s your instinct and your personality that guides these grooming decisions. Besides, it also has to do with the lifestyle you lead, which is again a matter of personality and choices.
Is Ms. Ponytail your bestie or the bob-cut gal your buddy? Pass on these interesting titbits to them and tag them along. It will add zing to their coffee break!