12 Tricks That Will Help You Read People Like A Pro

Last updated on April 8, 2020

When we communicate with an individual, we only receive a certain percentage of all the information through their words. The rest of the information we perceive is through their body language, voice tone, and other forms of non-verbal communication. In fact, you can tell a lot about a person by their body language. So, in order to actually know what those around you are feeling, it’s better to watch their faces and pay attention to the little things that they do. It’s those things that count after all, right? Here are 12 body language cues that are a dead giveaway as to what a person is truly feeling on the inside:

1. Lowered Down, Drawn Together Eyebrows

Lowered Down, Drawn Together Eyebrows

Nothing says, “I’m mad at you!” like lowered down eyebrows that are drawn close together. Almost in an X format. vertical lines will also be created between someone’s eyebrows when they do this. Almost like wrinkles.

2. Raised And Curved Eyebrows

This is a sign of surprise or shock. The higher the eyebrows, the more surprised the person is. Funnily enough, raising your eyebrows is also a sign of being open to interaction and perhaps even a sign of attraction towards someone. The next time you spot someone with raised eyebrows, make sure to look in the same direction they’re looking in!

3. Inner Eyebrows That Are Drawn Together

Inner Eyebrows That Are Drawn Together

This is a major indicator of sadness. If the inner corners of someone’s eyebrows are drawn together and pointed slightly upwards, they might be upset about something you said or might be going through some sort of distress or pain.

4. Dilated Pupils

Dilated Pupils

Dilated pupils are usually an indicator of fear or a sign that someone might be interested in you. Of course, this doesn’t mean you stare your potential love interest in the eye every time you communicate with them but it’s always nice to share eye contact from time to time keeping your date flirty and engaging.

5.Yes Looking Downward

yes Looking Downward

When you look downwards, it might indicate a sign of nervousness. Nervous people also dart their eyes from left to right. This behavior is also related to someone displaying signs of guilt. Looking downwards may also be a sign of embarrassment. A person looks away when they don’t want to look someone in the eye.

6. Crow’s Feet

Crow’s Feet

Besides being an indicator of old age, Crow’s feet are also an indicator of joy. The lines symbolize that someone is actually having a good time and enjoys laughing and being a generally joyful person.

7. Pursed Lips

Pursed Lips

Pursed lips are often perceived as super negative since they are a sign of anger. Pursed lips are also a sign of disapproval (thanks boomer aunty) and contempt. If you’re the type of person who purses your lips unintentionally, now you know why you’re getting dirty looks (just kidding).

8. Biting Your Lip

Biting Your Lip

If someone is biting their lip, it could either be a sign of nervousness or they’re attracted to you and are simply trying to get your attention. In pop culture we often view lip biting as a sign of affection or romance.

9. Corners Of Lips Drooping Downwards

Corners Of Lips Drooping Downwards

When someone’s lips droop downwards, it’s an obvious sign of sadness. The corners of the lips are drawn downwards and are often major signifiers of sadness.

10. Touching Your Nose

Touching Your Nose

Many people touch their noses when they are being dishonest or spilling white lies. It’s a major indicator that someone is lying to you. It’s also very difficult to stop yourself from touching your face. Next time you decide to tell a small white lie, you should keep in mind that others might be able to tell that you are lying.

11. Touching Your Neck

Touching Your Neck

When someone touches their neck, it usually means that the person is trying to protect themselves while they are feeling a sense of discomfort. This is commonly seen when someone darts their eyes in a frantic manner as well.

12. Smirk


This is something so popular, there’s even an emoji for it! Although, it is not used in the same way as it is intended. If someone has one side of their mouth raised, it might be a sign of contempt or in some cases even hate. It can also mean that someone might simply be trying to be super smooth with you.

Body language is the easiest way to tell the reason behind someone’s behavior. With a little research, it will be pretty easy for you to read the way someone behaves. Do you think body language is a true indicator of how a person behaves?

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