10 Immunity Boosting Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Cold and Flu

Slight changes in weather and all those with moderate or low immunity end up with a sore throat and a cold. And although it seems common with no major disruptions in your life, it can be very annoying. The consequence is that it drains out energy and leaves one totally exhausted.
Cold weather does not cause common cold but contributes to causing the contact of already present airborne viruses.
How Does A Common Cold Start?
If someone around you is infected with the virus, you can get it too, which means colds are contagious. Simple surface contact, like spoons, doorknobs, keyboards, or anything that touches your mouth or nose, can transfer the virus to another person. The cold virus is also airborne, so if you have a sick person who sneezes around you, you are bound to end up with a cold.
The virus attaches itself to the lining of your nose and throat. Once your immune system gets the signal, it sends out white blood cells to attack the viruses.
How Does Yoga Help To Cure A Cold?
Yoga helps you beat the cold because it balances the sympathetic (response/fight) and parasympathetic (rest) systems. The immune system aids white blood cells to help them fight the viruses. These white blood cells are usually circulating in the thymus, which is located in the chest. So, with the help of yoga asanas (mainly inversions), you can draw these white blood cells to the head and throat, along with a gush of fresh blood, and this helps to relieve the affected sinuses and the congestion.
10 Basic Asanas In Yoga For Cold Relief
- Uttanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Ustrasana
- Viparita Karani
- Setu Bandhasana
- Dhanurasana
- Halasana
- Matsyasana
- Salamba Sirsasana
- Shavasana
1. Uttanasana

The Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend, as it is called, is known to enhance blood circulation. It helps in clearing out the sinus passages thereby clearing out blockages and allowing for more complete breathing. It invigorates the nervous system and relieves stress and tension.
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

The Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Dog Stretch is an asana where your heart is placed higher than the head. There is a reverse pull of gravity that happens when you do that, and this aids in the proper circulation of the lymph and the blood. The mild inversion allows a free flow of white blood cells throughout the body and also helps to drain out the sinuses.
3. Ustrasana

This asana also called the Camel Pose, opens up the chest and clears out all the passages. It is essential to try and breathe as much as you can while you are in this pose. This will help open up all the blocked areas that are causing the cold.
4. Viparita Karani

The Legs Up The Wall Pose is a great pose to practice to counter respiratory ailments. When you practice this asana, you will realize that you are relieved of the headaches or backaches that accompany a cold. Practicing this asana calms the mind and makes you strong as your body deals with the cold and helps in reducing fatigue, which usually follows the common cold. This asana helps the immune cells to move through your body.
5. Setu Bandhasana

The Setu Bandhasana or the Bridge Pose is a versatile asana. It is a great way to open up your chest. It also sends fresh blood to the head, which helps open up the sinuses further. This asana also activates the thymus glands, one of the main organs of the immune system.
6. Dhanurasana

The Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose gives your back, chest, neck, and stomach a good stretch. It also opens up your chest and neck. Hence, it will improve breathing when you are down with a cold. This asana is a great relaxant, especially if you find yourself unable to sleep owing to the cold. This is an invigorating asana and needs complete and full breaths. In case there is shortness of breath, do not attempt to stay in this posture for longer durations.
7. Halasana

This pose is very helpful for those with sinusitis and restoring the adrenals. It improves the blood circulation in the body and also sets up a clear pathway for detox. This posture resets your parasympathetic system, allowing it to heal the body more efficiently, therefore helping you get rid of your cold.
8. Matsyasana

When you assume this asana, your chest is raised, and throat is opened up. This improves your breathing and helps cure a cold. During colds, one can support the upper thoracic back with a cushion, bolster, or yoga blocks, aiding optimal recovery.
9. Salamba Sirsasana

This might seem like one of the most complex and complicated yoga asanas. It revitalizes your body and also helps you detox as the stagnant blood rushes from your toes and filters through your heart and moves further to drain your head. This asana also raises your immunity and helps you fight a cold. During a cold bout, it is advisable to attempt the posture against a wall in case you feel disoriented or need more support.
10. Shavasana

The Shavasana is a deep resting pose. Sometimes, when you have a cold, all you need to do is to rest your body. It energizes it and helps it fight better against the cold-causing viruses.
Have you ever practiced yoga for cold relief? A cold, sinus, or flu, although such a basic ailment, can really bring you down. The next time you feel unwell, do some yoga along with taking your usual dose of medicines. You will feel much better.