Different Roles Your Husband Should Play In Your Marriage

We know every single living creature on this planet earth has a role to play. And if all of them played their role in the right way, Earth will be the most beautiful place in the universe. The same applies to our life as well; every single person who enters or exits from our life has their own specific role to play. While some of them enter and bring a positive change in our life, there are some who leave and they leave behind a lesson that will stay back with us for the rest of our life. This is true, isn’t it?

This holds very right especially in the world of relationships. However, we always want to end up with people who will stay by our side forever and be a part of everything we do in our life. How do you end up in such a relationship?

If you find a partner who is willing to play that role for you, the most common goal for a couple would be to turn their relationship into marriage eventually. And this is more likely to succeed if you find a partner who is happily willing to take up the roles that will keep you happy and satisfied. Your man needs to be willing to accept and do things that will make you happy. Vice Versa, if he’s expecting the same out of you, it’s an even smoother sail, trust us!

How would your boyfriend know of these roles that he needs to be playing as a husband? Let him know about the following things that are the most basic and valuable roles he should be taking up after you get married.

1. He Needs To Be Your Mentor

Life is a journey where you are always learning about something new every other day. And at times, the learning needs to be imparted by your husband as well. He needs to help you have a better perspective regarding things you’ve never handled before. If you have a husband from whom you can learn and unlearn positive things about life, he will make for an ideal husband.
2. He Needs To Be The Caring Nurse

You are human and so is he. And when you fall sick or he does, you would want him to nurse you with all the care and attention like how you would do to him if he was sick. Sometimes, it isn’t the medicines that help one get back to good health, but, it’s the care of the person you love the most that helps you jump back to a healthy route in life. And you definitely want your husband to be that caring husband who would nurse you back to good health.
3. He Needs To Be Your Ultimate Best Friend

This is a common role to expect, isn’t it? You’d always want your husband to be the best friend. A best friend with whom you can be yourself without having to worry about the fear of being judged. You want him to be the best friend with whom you can experience a laughing riot and set off on adventures unknown.
You want him to be the BFF you couldn’t otherwise find.
4. He Needs To Be Your Therapist

A warm hug from your husband is good enough therapy to battle all the stress that your work has been causing to you. A husband needs to be this personal therapist who should listen when you vent out your frustration. At times when your body is too tired, he should don the hat of massager as well and relieve your body from all the tension knots that have been building. Of course, you have to give him some return favors too (winks).
5. He Needs To Be The Prince Charming

As we get on the journey of adulting, we slowly realize that the idea of finding a Prince Charming is limited to just Disney and Bollywood movies. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trying to make your own version of a fairy tale. Both you and your husband can be the Princess and Prince Charming. Your husband needs to shower you with love and care that is beyond your expectations and imagination. Wouldn’t that make for a much better fairy tale than to watch a man riding a white horse and come to take you?
6. He Needs To Be The Life Partner You Always Wanted

A life partner doesn’t mean that you have to just live with him. If you think that having a life partner is like having somebody to rely on during happiness and sorrow, then he needs to be that. If you expect him to be your support in times when you’re doubtful, then he needs to don the role of a life partner who supports you in all ordeals. Taking on life’s challenges with a life partner is always a better idea!