Here’s How Papaya Can Help You Lose Weight!

Available throughout the year, papaya is the favourite fruit of many. Not only does it help in improving digestion but also gives you glowing skin. The magical enzyme, papain present in papaya provides therapeutic benefits to your body. It has antioxidants, is diuretic in nature and rich in fibre with minimum calories. And this is not all, apart from all these benefits, papaya can also help you lose weight. Read on to know how papaya can aid your weight loss programme.
Along with losing weight, it’s important to lose it in a healthy way. There are uncountable diets on the internet and diet books available all across, but not all of them are meant for everyone. Same is the case with papaya diet. Papaya diet is very restrictive and does not suit everyone. One must consult a doctor before starting the papaya diet or any other diet. Papaya burns fat and help in detoxification.
While on a papaya diet, one has to majorly eat papaya for two days. This may give you diarrhoea or may hurt your stomach but that’s normal. This diet should be followed for two to three days a week for two-three months regularly. Doing so will not only make you shed those extra kilos but will also improve your digestion and detoxify your body.

How to follow the papaya diet
A diet should ideally start right from the first meal of the day. Have a glass of diluted almond milk or oatmeal water, which will give you enough fibre for the day. Take a 30-minute break and eat a papaya salad. This is a nutritious and healthy way to start your day. Follow this breakfast routine for both the first and second day.
On the first day, eat whole grain salad containing tomatoes, spinach, olives, garlic with some salt and lemon over it. You can pair this with rice. After this, have a glass of papaya juice. On the second day, you can have some baked vegetable like eggplant accompanied by spinach. Drink a glass of papaya juice later.
Mid-day snack
Take medium-sized papaya and cut it into two pieces. Take half the papaya and two slices of pineapple and blend them together to form a smooth mixture. Have this smoothie as a snack. This will keep you fuller for longer and will stop you from bingeing.
Prepare one bowl of vegetable broth with lemon juice, celery and onions. Have it with a bowl of papaya, which can also work as a dessert. On the second day, have some light dinner (zucchini) accompanied by a big bowl of diced papaya.
Papaya seeds and weight loss
Though this might surprise you it’s true that even papaya seeds can help you lose weight. Not only this, but these small black seeds also have some other benefits such as eliminating toxins from your body, protecting your liver if you are suffering from liver cirrhosis, protecting your kidneys if suffering from a kidney problem.
Most importantly, papaya seeds have the ability to prevent your body from absorbing fat. You can consume eight to ten seeds of papaya as pills or in paste form. But this should be done in the morning. You can combine them with a glass of grapefruits which is even better.