24 Small Things Girls Don’t Realize Guys Find Absolutely Adorable

Guys are sometimes very difficult to understand and they hardly ever open up about the things that they like and dislike. Ever wondered what your boyfriend thinks is cute about you? We know you’re not a mind reader and you really want to know what he likes in you. So, tadaa! Here’s a list to find out what guys find absolutely adorable about their significant others:
1. When she drop food down her shirt and still eat it

“Every time she ordered a roll of sushi, it was pretty much a forgone conclusion that (at least) one of those pieces was going to make its way on top of her rack, and when it did – I was ready. You ain’t seen nothin’ till you’ve seen a girl lick some spicy mayo off her upper chest.”
2. When She Borrows My Hoodie

“Firstly, she looks absolutely adorable in my hoodie considering how big it is on her. Secondly, when she’s cold she has this adorable habit of tucking her hands into her sleeves and it’s honestly the cutest thing I have ever watched her do.”
3. When She Stretches Out Like A Cat

“I love it when she’s comfortable stretching in front of me and I think it’s adorable when she does so. Plus her body makes these tiny cracking noises as her bones align themselves.”
4. When She Calls Me By My Name Over The Phone

“Maybe it’s the sound of her voice or the way she says it, but something about this makes me feel really warm and tingly inside.”
5. When She Hides Her Face In Her Jacket

“The girl I’m talking to right now hides her face in her jacket whenever something is super cringy. I think it’s adorable.”
6. When She Ties Her Hair Up Into A Ponytail

“I notice my girlfriend does this when she’s about to attend a party and her hair tied in a neat ponytail. She look super cute!”
7. When She Is Nice To Other People

“When she is nice to other people. When I see a girl who is genuine to all people no matter who they are that instantly makes me like them.”
8. Scrunching Her Nose When She Wants To Concentrate

“My girl makes the cutest face when she needs to concentrate on something or when she’s reading and doesn’t have her glasses on. I like it when she makes cutesy faces in general.”
9. When She’s Super Tired And Her Voice Sounds Like It

“Maybe because her usual high-pitched voice gets deeper and sleepier or maybe because I’m catching her off guard, her voice sounds a little more natural.”
10. When She Presses Her Cheek Into My Shoulder

“I love it when we’re walking and my girl grabs my arm and just presses her cheek into my shoulder. It truly makes me feel special and loved.”
11. When Her Eyes Spark Up After Seeing Me

“I travel a lot for work and whenever I get back, my girlfriend’s eyes always light up when she sees me after a long time and it makes me feel so special and loved. The idea that someone misses my presence so much really brightens my day.”
12. When She Comes To Me First To Seek Advice

“I really trust my girl and I love it when she comes to me to seek advice. When I’m in a relationship, I feel like my partner should be my closest confidant. When I see that same kind of energy returned my way, it makes me feel extremely special.”
13. When She Gives Me A Big, Wide Grin

“Nothing makes me happier than my girlfriend giving me the biggest grin ever. Her face just lights up and she’s got really nice, straight teeth so her smile looks amazing.”
14. When She Blows Hair Off Her Face

“I love when my girlfriend blows hair off her face when she can’t move it away with her fingers. It’s the cutest thing ever.”
15. When She Sneezes Cutely

“I find it adorable when my girlfriend does that cute little ‘Achoo’ sneeze and then apologizes like she made the loudest sneeze ever. Even though it’s nowhere in terms of the decibels my sneezes hit. Haha.”
16. When She Mock Fights With Me

“I love it when I make fun of her and she punches my shoulder lightly in a joking manner. I think it’s absolutely adorable and it makes me blush.”
17. When She Compliments Something I’m Insecure About

“I love it when she compliments something I’m super under-confident about. It gives me the best confidence boost ever and makes me super duper happy.”
18. When She’s Passionate About Her Career

“I love a girl who knows what she wants. When she’s passionate about her career, you know she’s not going to risk it for anything. This also means that she will respect your career as well.”
19. When She Holds My Hand Tight

“This always makes me feel super protective of her. I’m not much for PDA but I really enjoy this small gesture as it makes me feel super warm and loved. Also, because it’s easy for my big hands to engulf hers entirely.”
20. When She Punches You

“When she playfully punch your shoulder when you make an inappropriate joke or comment.”
21. When She Drapes Her Legs Across Me

“I adore when she drapes her legs across me; especially when we’re on a road trip and vibing to some amazing music. It gives me a good view of her shapely legs as well.”
22. When She Makes The First Move In Bed

” I don’t care how awkward she might be, I love it when she makes the first move in bed. Even if she stumbles or says something silly. The fact that she takes initiative is enough for me.”
23. When She Likes Something I Show Her

“My girl is a huge music aficionado and loves watching old films. So, when she takes time to listen to and appreciate something I’ve shown her, it makes me feel really special. Clearly, her tastes are way cooler than mine but I love exchanging music/ movies with her.”
24. When She Cuddles Me

“I love cuddling. There’s nothing better than coming home late from work and cuddling up to my girlfriend. I’m totally into that. Especially because somehow she always smells fantastic.”