Different Types Of Mother In Laws!

You can choose your life partner, but not your mother-in-law. Once you are married to your partner, you kind of marry his/her mother too.
Marriage is a huge step for everybody. And more so for the girl than the boy, because in countries like India, a girl is supposed to be the only person to move out of the house and settle in her husband’s home adapting to that house’s culture and way of living. And what is it that makes this transition easier? A good mother-in-law!

For girls these days, when it comes to getting married, the topmost concern is whether or not their in-laws, especially their mother-in-law is a sober woman or not. They are often worried if their MIL (Mother In Law) will give their new life a horrifying start or will she help them start their new life with positivity and happiness.
Some of us hit the jackpot, and some of us don’t! Getting along with your mother-in-law is a very important aspect of a peaceful marriage. After having spoken to few married women and listening to their sweet-bitter mother-in-law stories, we can say that these are the types of mothers-in-law that you might come across in the future if you haven’t tied the knot yet. Read on.
1. The Jealous MIL

She didn’t gain a daughter. She lost a son. You live the life she never had. Her husband didn’t give half as much attention that you get from your husband (her son). Your husband used to pay attention to her, but now his attention is divided with you. She can’t stand it.
2. The OCD MIL
If your mother-in-laws has amazing culinary skills or cleaning OCD, you are in trouble. They are the worst peer pressuring type. It’s embarrassing when they make unannounced visits and you have to cook one of your average meals for them or they see a chaotic house, piles of unfolded laundry, messy beds and countless plates and pans to be washed. If she’s OCD enough, she just may clean your house for you.
3. The “I Know What Is Right For Your Kids” MIL
Your labor pain must have not been as disturbing as having to live with this type of MIL. She’s the one who is going to tutor you against every decision you make while raising your kid right from his infant stage to marriageable age. She’ll probably throw this line as defense, “Look at your husband, I raised him and see how fine he’s turned out to be.” Only you know how much you’ve tamed your then irresponsible boyfriend to now a responsible husband.
4. The Insecure Mother-in-law
She is a perfect example of an overprotective mother who is just promoted to a MIL. She doesn’t feel happy that because of her son she has gained a daughter. She begins to think that she has lost her son instead. Even before you show her how much you love your husband (her son), she is already convinced that you aren’t looking after him well. She is one of those MILs who asks her son to choose between his mother and wife.
5. The Drama Queen Mother-In-Law
She could win an Oscar for acting skills. EVERYTHING is a drama. You happen to mention you have a headache, oh but she has had a headache since 3 days ago and it’s much worse than yours. She’s complaining about the fact that she never got invited to her friends daughter, husbands, brothers birthday party. She tells your husband behind your back you have treated her badly. ‘Nobody loves me’, ‘nobody cares about me’ is her famous quotes.
6. The Needy Mother-In-Law
She wants you to call her everyday. Special occasions is a ‘must’. When she travels anywhere she wants to be asked if she’s ok. She wants you to ask if she needs help with the packing. She asks for lifts. Don’t ever forget her birthday or anniversary. Go visit her. Take a present. Take her to doctors appointments. Don’t forget to make fresh soup when she’s ill. Her washing machine has broken down. Go fix it. If you can’t fix it, buy a new one.
7. The Ladies-Club MIL
If you belong to the upper class of the society, then you’ll mostly end up with a MIL like this one. She is a housewife and she loves indulging in various Ladies Club activities like the kitty party where you’ll see ten more just like her speaking about their latest collection of glasses, saree, or jewelry. She’s going to pay more focus on what she gifted you and what you gifted her in return. Showering her with gifts will keep her happy.
8. The “I Want To Know Everything” MIL
She is the type of mother-in-law who wants to get updates about everything—why are the sofa covers changed to blue? Why is my son working so much? Why haven’t you gotten a new knife set yet? What were you talking to your parents on the phone? Why is your son coming home late? Why didn’t you tell me that it’s a holiday for you today? She needs answers for everything and wants to know everything!
9. The MIL That Over Worries
Why didn’t you call when you landed at your holiday destination? She thought the plane had perhaps crashed. Your son has a temperature, ‘should we take him to hospital in case its anything serious?’
10. The Controlling Mother in Law
She tells you to wear which dress or outfit at which function. Only she will do the cooking if you live all together. You can however peel the onions. She wants to take control of your kids and tells you which school they should go to. She’s been in control all her life, including controlling her husband and kids, she’s not about to back off now!
11. The “Blessed-To-Have” Mother-In-Law
You’re lucky if you have a MIL like this one. She loves you, adores you for who you are. She’s caring, she is caring towards your parents as well. Well, congratulations if you found a mother-in-law like this one. Give her a hug from our side also maybe!
We had no intentions of frightening you with this list. Anyways, it’s always better to stay alert about the various kinds of MILs out there, isn’t it? So, which type is your MIL? Let us know in the comments below.